From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Jan 29 2005 - 19:58:47 GMT
Hi Scott,
> No. It is only cognitive dissonance if the utterer of "there are no
> absolutes" is unaware of its apparent self-contradiction, but that's not
> likely. Now I said "apparent" self-contradiction, because, among the
> absolutes that the utterer is denying the existence of is the claim that
> the law of contradiction of Aristotelian logic applies everywhere.
> Sometimes the true may be self-contradictory.
Believe it or not I had you in mind when responding to MSH's claim that "if
one cannot find fault with the premises of the logic, then they are being
irrational." If he (or anyone) defines rational as being logical, then one must
accept the law of contradiction to be rational. Since the statement "There are
no absolutes" is self-contradictory, it's irrational whether the utterer is aware
of it or not. (I don't think the awareness of the utterer has any bearing on the
validity of logic.)
> (By the way, it is not my opinion that "there are no absolutes", as I think
> there is one absolute, namely Absolute Nothingness. But it is my opinion
> that the true may sometimes be self-contradictory.).
Which is precisely why I had you in mind. I couldn't find a direct quote,
but remember that you have argued for Merrell-Wolff's idea that there are
times when the law of contradiction doesn't apply. That idea has great
appeal to me because it suggests a level above the intellectual where
aesthetics comes into play. As you may know, I'm a proponent of the arts
as a key to the next revolution in understanding (vs. SOM science), but am
far from the summit of that mountain, looking for a flash from DQ to
illuminate the way. Your explication of self-contradictory truth appeared
to me as a flicker of that illumination, but I haven't been able to follow
it up. Maybe you can help me see the way, I hope.
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