RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Erin (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2005 - 00:39:05 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    DMB: Here's the crux of the matter. Ironically, Scott, Sam, Matt and
    some of Pirsig's other critics are insisting that Pirsig is the one who
    can't ahke off those SOM assumtions. In actuality the MOQ only looks that
    way to them because they can't get those SOM goggles off.
    Hello DMB,
    I am aware of your frustrations with Pirsig criticisms but let me assure you that when somebody is criticizing a point Pirsig has made they also tend to exprience frustration with the Pirsig fundamentalism goggles some people tend to where at times. When somebody here expresses a disagreement there is a knee-jerk response (ha that choice of words is just for you Ron) - that a DISAGREEMENT = misunderstanding.
    You just listed a long list of how Pirsig is consistent. I didn't understand how consistency was the issue-----it is a issue if the assumption that a disagreement is due to a misunderstanding of his works but if you think you understand his position and that it is consistent but that you just disagree with it then your list of consistent statements is pointless.
    So it is frustrating when you repeatedly explain what somebody thinks they already understand but just DISAGREE with.
    I consider myself a Pirsig supporter but I disagree with him about particular points in his philosophy. I am really frustrated that when I do disagree with Pirsig about a point it is automatically assumed that it is because I don't REALLY understand what he is saying.
    For a second can you consider the mere possibility that a person understands what Pirsig says and disagrees with it.
    Ant: However, I can see why he (and Marsha) are frustrated with your recent
    posts because you are tending to distort the MOQ rather than clarifying or
    adding to it.
    We are here to clarify and add to the MOQ but I think that if critiquing of his work is not welcomed and every disagreement is assumed to be a misunderstanding and labeled a distortion we are doing a disservice to his work and philosophy.

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