From: Matt Kundert (
Date: Thu Mar 24 2005 - 18:07:42 GMT
Ham remarked:
I do think the Eastern mystics have a more intuitive sense of the Oneness of
reality, but it's not a concept that is easily explained in logical
dialectic. Do you remember Chin's Buddhistic ramblings last year? ... That
kind of "literary boilerplate" on philosophy, as currently exemplified in
Matt's postings, is what I believe Mr. Pirsig meant by Philosophology -- the
practice of writing about philosophy without actually participating in it.
Except that my postings are actually a poor example of the "literary
boilerplate" on philosophy, as you call it. My actual practice much more
resembles the "logical dialectic." I mean, after all, you were fooled into
thinking that I was participating in philosophy, though now you would seem
to disbar me from the field. Which is why I relentlessly attack Mr.
Pirsig's distinction between philosophology and philosophy. It seems to me
that you can't help but participate in philosophy when you write about it
and you can't help but write about it when you participate in it. (Granted,
this is a change in the evolution of philosophy. Scott, I know you
mentioned Pierre Hadot's book a while ago, which kind of gives us a picture
of how philosophy was done in Greece. I don't know if you're familiar with
Alexander Nehamas (a tremendous Nietzsche and Plato/Socrates scholar), but
I'm absolutely in love with his recent book The Art of Living, which
describes how philosophy, now at least, is bound up with the act of
And by the way, you can't be on the same page as Scott, because I think
_I'm_ on the same page as Scott (granted, though, we read the page with
slightly different emphases).
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