Re: MD Access to Quality

From: Joseph Maurer (
Date: Tue Mar 29 2005 - 19:31:28 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)"

    Hi Seth,

    Well said.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Seth Low" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:44 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Access to Quality

    > <<<[Ant:] Why even have a notion of a theistic God or even established
    > religions when we already have a "special relation to Quality that no one
    > [else] can override"?
    > To which Sam says: mu.>>>
    > I'll just jump in here, though I haven't been following the thread of
    > which this snippet is a part.
    > Ant's question and Sam's answer have both been on my mind lately. I think
    > they're both excellent. In church, I've chafed at having there need to be
    > a creed full of specifics and an official story that all must use.
    > There's a phrase from the AA/12 step program, "God *as we understood him*"
    > which corresponds to that "special relation to Quality." That
    > individually tailored connection to Quality is more free- and
    > comfortable-feeling.
    > But I think Sam is right on in answering "mu", because there is also
    > something gained through having to belong to the group and grapple with
    > the particular story and be affected by it and informed by it, frustrating
    > though this can be.
    > I don't know whether in Pirsigian terms the story is a kind of "static
    > ratchet-latch" or whether it's Society's way of encountering Quality or
    > just what.
    > I know that in Christian language, a "personal relationship with Jesus
    > Christ" means the same as "a special relationship to Quality that no one
    > else can override."
    > I suppose the Easter miracle Ant speaks of could be a letting go of ANY
    > lingo and just connecting with Dynamic Quality. Except that of course
    > "Dynamic Quality" (the term) has to go, too.
    > It relates to the stuff about insanity because what the lingo does is
    > allows us church people to get there *together*--just as the Moq lingo is
    > allowing us to meet on common ground here.
    > Seth
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