Re: MD Access to Quality

Date: Wed Mar 30 2005 - 22:39:01 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)"

    Hi Marsha:
    Most of these worry roads (when you backtrack) lead to fear, power and/or money. Its all illusion so don't sweat this small stuff. The media just plucks out these negative fear stories to get you worked up and into a negative state. Stay centered on your mission. You can't fix everything but trust there are a lot us out here doing our part as well. So care but do enjoy the wind in your hair.
    Agent B (I'm new too!)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: MarshaV <>
    Sent: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 15:53:18 -0500
    Subject: Re: MD Access to Quality

    Hi Steve,
    At 10:50 AM 3/30/2005 -0800, you wrote:
    >But, let me ask, why is this disturbing to you?
    I don't remember where I heard it, or by whom, but someone said that after the turn of the last century when Einstein had presented his Theory of Relativity, France began to prepare its citizens to understand the new science. Great Britain and the U.S.A. told its citizens that the new science was incomprehensible.
    Why are we not seeing the world with a new perspective? Why are we clinging to a religion that was created two thousand years ago for a different people? Why is the U.S. wanting to return to teaching the Biblical "Creation Theory"? Why are people still discussing God as if he thought like humans, and has kidneys, lungs and a liver? Why is the U.S. politics allowed to use religion to get votes? Why aren't we discussing the implications of Quantum Theory? Where is there a discussion of Quality?
    I just don't get it.
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