Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)

From: Erin (
Date: Wed Mar 30 2005 - 22:33:00 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)"

    Platt Holden <> wrote:
    > > Also when I think about Dalai Lama's celibacy I get a sense of control
    > > over the biological level and when I thnink of Victorian I think of of
    > > Freud's unhealthy sexually repressed patients.

    > Freud's ideas have been largely rejected by modern psychology.

    > So what does that have to do with it? I am not surprised that Freud's
    > theory came from the Victorian era. Just because you don't buy his theory
    > doesn't mean that the problems of the patients weren't real and need
    > explaining. I think you paint the Victorian era as all rainbows and
    > lollipops and I just don't believe you about that.

    Modern psychology knows most of the problems of Freud's patients were not
    due to "unhealthy sexual repressions" but were caused by chemical
    imbalances in the brain. I don't paint the Victorian era as all rainbows
    and lollipops, especially when it comes to medicine. I do agree with
    Pirsig that we ought to take a look at what the Victorians "were trying to
    accomplish and what they actually did accomplish toward building a
    stronger society." Are you opposed to that? If so, why?



    I think your reducing their problems to chemical imbalances is oversimplistic and SOM. I disagree. Actually I think that kind of thinking is what got Pirsig the repulsive" treatment" he got like involuntary shock treatments. I don't agree with modern psychology's take on many things but I don't agree with Freud's theory either but that is irrelevent to my point. I'm not opposed to looking at Victorian goals/accomplishments....but I don't want to return to the Victorian era or ignore it's problems.

    pg. 296 "how can you tell the two directions apart. Both oppose the status quo. Radical idealists and degenerate hooligans sometimes strongly resemble each other"

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