RE: MD "practical" means what?

From: Mari (
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 04:01:38 GMT

  • Next message: Glenn Bradford: "Re: MD Supporting the Statement"

    Scott, Thanks for your feedback. And if i gave you or anyone else here the
    impression that i don't see any value in the MoQdg i truly am sorry for that
    because i do experience value in a number of ways. That said, i sometimes
    think i hear the fiddle of the MoQ players as the world is about ready to
    explode. Nothing wrong with a great discussion unless the house is on fire
    while you're using your intellect to critique the way the firemen are using
    their biology to save lives. i do not think that just because this is a
    "discussion group" that something besides discussion couldn't possibly
    evolve into "action" instead of words. But i've heard that argument before
    right here on the MoQ board in fact. It's an interesting "pattern of value"

    We'll see where it all leads...

    Thanks again for your feedback!


    PS An "example" is on the drawing board.

    Scott said:

    I can't say I have much sympathy for your search for practicality, at least
    for it to come about through this discussion group. For one thing I would be
    most surprised to see something practical come out of any discussion group
    (you know what they say about committees). But especially one like this
    which exists to discuss Pirsig's metaphysics.

    I am here because I like to discuss metaphysics, so the comment from a
    lurker ('no one seems to care about "doing anything but argue and debate
    around here"'), my response is: well, of course. There are other venues for
    getting social things done. Now it could be that the discussion could go in
    more constructive ways than just arguing, but, again, I wouldn't hold my
    breath. After all, that would require that everyone agree with me first (and
    so would each other participant put it).

    But there is more to it than just my liking. That is that I am personally
    convinced that one thing the MoQ "tells us to do" is to strengthen the
    intellect, and I see discussing metaphysics (including anti-metaphysics) as
    being good at that. Mathematics also works, but not in a discussion group.
    So I would say that exactly what we are now doing is quite practical and

    By the way, I do not mean to imply that you shouldn't be trying to do what
    you are doing (though I am not sure what that is -- as you say, an example
    might help), and doing that here. If you succeed, all power to you. I'm just
    indicating why I am not jumping on the bandwagon.

    - Scott

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mari" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:46 PM
    Subject: RE: MD "practical" means what?

    > GJ wrote in ref to:
    > Subject: RE: MD "practical" means what?

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