Re: MD Orpheus

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 10:44:55 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Scientific beliefs and religious faith"

    Hi DMB,

    > dmb answers:
    > An on-line version of the original? I wish!!! No, not that I know of. As I
    > understand it, the original version is presently being re-constructed by
    > scholars. Peter Kingsley has been very helpful.

    anything other than 'ancient philosophy, mystery and magic'? (which was
    great - I'll have another look at it)

    > But now you can understand why Gaiman is of no use to me.

    The retelling of the Orpheus story is only a subplot of Neil Gaiman's work.
    I still think you'd find the whole sequence mind-expanding ;-)

    More later

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