Re: MD home schooling

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 13:27:38 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Quality as such or Dynamic Quality?"

    Hi Steve and Ian, all,

    On Montessori, my elder boy (about to be 3) is attending a Montessori
    nursery at the moment, but intermittently. As for the link to
    that was fascinating. This is where I think Pirsig's contributions fit into
    the theory of home schooling (I'm thinking of where he describes someone who
    leaves school because it is boring, but goes back later when he sees how and
    why it's useful - and then demands that the teaching is good). There are
    lots of other issues as well, but the factory approach to schooling doesn't
    seem particularly high in Quality to me. I think in part it is simply being
    aware that there is a choice - and to respect the openness to Quality of the
    child concerned.



    Now you can say that I've grown bitter but of this you may be sure
    The rich have got their channels in the bedrooms of the poor
    And there's a mighty judgement coming, but I may be wrong
    You see, you hear these funny voices
    In the Tower of Song
    (Leonard Cohen)

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