From: Sam Norton (
Date: Wed Apr 13 2005 - 13:50:19 BST
Hi Steve,
> Sam, definition is fine if we allow for multiple paradigms to be equally
> valid. Euclid's geometry is probably the most useful geometrical paradigm
> we have. Where this model applies we can certainly use axioms /
> definitions
> to build up useful theorems in quite a formal way. And, as we know, for
> other frames of reference we need other geometries. <snip>
> Definition is cleaner than example; it has sharp boundaries. For that
> reason it is a higher quality intellectual tool, we just need to recognize
> its limitations.
Fine. Although the point I would want to make is that it is the use which
comes first; definitions are (mostly) derivative from the practices in which
they gain their sense.
Thanks for the pointer to Julia Annas, I'll chase that up. If you're
interested in the conversation on Orpheus that DMB and I have been having
intermittently for the last few years, you might be interested in Peter
Kingsley's book "Ancient Philosophy, mystery and magic" which is most
<snip> If we expand the
> method being demonstrated from one assumed all-encompassing paradigm to
> all
> paradigms that apply (all of which have limitations) then we've salvaged a
> useful tool while recognizing its limitations and maintained that honest
> spirit that desires to know and experience that's crucial to living the
> good
> life. I don't know who coined it but the phase 'creative discontent'
> comes
> to mind.
"that honest spirit" - exactly so. Truth as a way of life, not as an
intellectual construct. That was Aquinas' position - but I'm just doing a
bit of revision on that.
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