Re: MD Access to Quality

Date: Tue Apr 19 2005 - 18:28:03 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Fwd: MD Access to Quality"

    Hi Ian --

    > It's just a matter of linguistics - I think the Pirsigian "quality" we
    > are talking about is just another name for the primary
    > "pre-intellectual" experience you are also talking about.
    > The mystery is about the scale of "pre" - how far back can it be pushed.

    Thanks for your gesture of understanding.

    As much as I would like to, for the sake of general conciliation, I can't
    accept your conclusion that "it's just a matter of linguistics". And it's
    not a simply disagreement about what is and is not "empirical". It's a
    matter that has to do with the refusual to accept a primary source.

    What is "pre-intellectual" to experience -- and Quality and Value -- is the
    Absolute Essence which transcends these existential derivatives but cannot
    logically be identified with them. Any attempt to do so takes the form of a
    word game that aims at categorizing everything while circumventing the
    metaphysical source. My contention is that Essence is immutable.

    Even DMB is unable to deny the logic of a primary cause:

    > I can almost sympathize and respect the idea of intelligent design.
    > Almost, but not quite. I think that its really just creationism in a

    That cute phrase "creationism in a tuxedo", incidentally, was invented by
    one of the major ID detractors on the Council for Science Education, and it
    was quoted on my Values page on this topic several weeks ago. So, at least
    DMB may be visiting my website!

    Since you've given me the opportunity, and FWIW, I've added the following
    paragraph to my thesis which I'm hoping will further codify my theory of

    "The cardinal principle of Essentialism is that Absolute Essence is
    immutable; that is, there is a 'clean break' between the unity of Essence
    and the differentiated world of existence. The significance of this
    principle is that the 'specificity' of existential sensibilia, including
    qualitative attributes like Value, Goodness and Beauty, as well as the
    'dynamic' or functional constructs by which created entities are
    objectivized-such as Nothingness, Beingness, Difference, Identity,
    Rationality, Numerality, Materiality, Consciousness, Humanity, Morality,
    Evolution, and Process-are not identifiable with the uncreated source. All
    such intellectualized precepts are specific to finite experience and,
    therefore, not directly transferable to Absolute Essence. Thus, any
    philosophy that is founded on an existential attribute or property as
    opposed to a primary, undifferentiated source cannot logically claim
    metaphysical transcendency."

    I appreciate your efforts to "harmonize" my differences with the MoQ, Ian,
    but apparently we see things differently.

    Best regards,

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