Re: MD Hurricanes, earthquakes and genocide

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 05:35:50 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "RE: MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2"

    Mark, DMB, (and Matt, Ant and RMP),

    Using rhetoric (and mislplaced logic and science) to create a common
    enemy ? Surely not ? May I lump Matt, Ant and Pirsig in there with
    that list of dastardly names ? (See recent philosophology thread

    Water-cooler politics, academic debate, power politics, religious
    zealotry, authoritarian tyrrany, genocide - it's all the same.

    It's how humans work, beyond good and evil.
    No black and white, just a matter of degree.
    Don't get me wrong - the extreme ends of the scale are pragmatically
    black and white - but the scale is all shades of grey, and pink, and
    yellow, and hard and soft, and ... well, multi-dimensioned and
    complicated enough.

    As Mark suggests, in his closing remarks on anti-intellectualism, the
    key is to spot the (human) signs, and expose them constructively,
    before the power in the politics corrupts and tips over onto the
    unhealthier side of the scales.


    On 4/25/05, Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
    > Hi David,
    > Hope you get this before you disappear for the work week.
    > On 24 Apr 2005 at 12:32, David Buchanan wrote:
    > dmb had said to Ham:
    > ...........Do you not see how murderous the reactionaries have been for the
    > last several hundred years? Do you not see that the Hitlers, the Stalins,
    > the Bin Ladins and the Pat Robersons of the world are extremely destructive?
    > The one thing these wildly different characters all have in common is an
    > anti-intellectual, anti-Modern stance at the heart of it all. So I'm saying
    > that one of Pirsig's BEST moves is to make a distinction between the social
    > and intellectual levels. Its a tool that allows us to sort out all kinds of
    > issues.
    > Mark said to Arlo:
    > Just want to say I appreciate your recent posts in response to Platt.
    > I believe your analysis is right on, and would add only that when we
    > focus on the left-right, lib-con, theist-atheist splits as the cause
    > of social problems, we are playing into the hands of entrenched
    > power. As you've suggested, real power wielded by elite minorities
    > feeds the flames of these red-herring dichotomies. The reason is
    > obvious: Every second we spend focused on false causes is time taken
    > from useful analysis and action against the real problem.
    > dmb says:
    > I appreciate it too. In terms of political perspective, I think both of you
    > guys (Arlo and Mark) are "spot on", as the Brits like to put it. But having
    > said that, I'd have to disagree a little bit too. First of all I would like
    > to point out that putting Pat Robertson in the same category with Hitler and
    > Stalin was not meant to imply that christian fundametalists are busy
    > building their own concentration camps or gulags. I mean, if I had said that
    > Pat Robertson was a genocidal maniac you would be right to dismiss me as a
    > dude with no sense of perspective or proportion. Please notice the phrase
    > "wildly different characters" in my description.
    > msh:
    > Actually, I think you're not all that wrong to put Robertson in the
    > same neighborhood with the REALLY bad guys, the list of whom I notice
    > is lacking the names of several well-qualified American presidents
    > and their henchmen. Though Robertson has relatively little power,
    > the enslavement of similar minds is the first step toward the
    > elimination of minds not similar. It's not as big a jump as one
    > might at first imagine.
    > dmb:
    > Secondly, for the most part I agree that "entrenched power" uses the culture
    > war and hot-button issues to divide and conquer. But I have to disagree here
    > a little bit too. Or rather, I think that there is something quite real
    > underneath these debates, behind those "red-herring dichotomies".
    > msh:
    > Yes, in reading what I wrote above, I give the impression that I
    > think the dichotomies are illusions or something, and this is wrong.
    > The dichotomies are real, but, unless one side or the other has real
    > power, the schism is nothing more than sibling bickering. It's
    > office politics, you know, small minds whispering round the water
    > cooler. Nothing much happens until power starts taking sides, until
    > the guy who hires and fires starts internalizing the gossip. Or
    > until the guy with power sees that office politics provides the
    > perfect distraction while he cleans out the safe. It's highly useful
    > for the neocons (our currently entrenched Power) to have the
    > Christians hate the Muslims while the Muslims hate the Jews while the
    > Jews hate the Muslims. Hatred fuels violence, and violence builds
    > empires. It is a simple, and as horrifying, as that.
    > dmb:
    > Basically, I think most of it is driven by an evolutionary struggle, one described
    > quite well in LILA. The intellectual and social levels are at war and this
    > is what I like to try to show you, gents. I have posted on this issue many,
    > many times and so I was a little frustrated that it seemed to go past you,
    > but then it occured to me that most of that work was done here before you
    > guys arrived here.
    > msh says:
    > But struggles of any kind occur only where Power is facing off. I'm
    > looking forward to exploring this idea of an evolutionary struggle
    > between the intellectual and social levels, but we will never
    > understand the nature of that confrontation until we recognize that
    > it too is a struggle for power.
    > But, to get us started, let's focus on what facet of of the
    > struggle. It's quite clear to me that anti-intellectualism is as
    > prevalent now as it was in Nazi Germany. College professors are not
    > being killed, yet, but we are seeing an undeniable effort to silence
    > them and that, my friends, is the beginning.
    > Dmb, thanks for the LILA references; I'll reread them during the
    > week. And let's see if we can give this thread some legs. Arlo?
    > Best,
    > Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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