Re: MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 15:58:46 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design"


    You asked:
    > For clarity, then... you feel the MOQ is "theistic"? That is, Pirsig's
    > intent was to show a "conscious designer" which could only be tenaciously
    > believed in via "Faith"?

    > Rephrased: Is Quality a Conscious Designer?
    No. Quality is an aesthetic psychic force. ("psychic" defined as lying
    outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge: immaterial, moral, or
    spiritual in origin). The Quality force, transcendent yet immanent,
    created and continues to create the world of objects as a result of its
    teleological thrust towards betterness. This force exhibits design because
    the initial state and the laws of the universe together are well formed to
    actualize the states of value of our experience.

    Of course, this is an SOM description of Quality which, being prior to
    thought, cannot be described except metaphorically.

    How would you describe Quality? As "cultural semiosis?"


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