Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun May 01 2005 - 00:12:07 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals"

    On 30 Apr 2005 at 16:28, Platt Holden wrote:

    platt (previously)
    To suggest a moral equivalency between the U.S. and Nazi Germany is
    a intellectual pattern of such low quality as to be off the scale of

    I'm pointing out an obvious moral hypocrisy, not a moral
    equivalency, which is a phrase used by people who'd prefer to
    conceal the hypocrisy.

    What's really hypocrisy is failure to include Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot,
    Castro and other communist leaders in your list of "criminals."

    msh says:
    Fair enough. I will happily include them, though the case that
    Castro has committed Nuremberg scale war crimes would be more
    difficult to make. But remember, as an American citizen, my main
    concern is the actions of my own government, for which I am at least
    partly responsible.

    msh before:
    Also, I am NOT suggesting that former Presidents be hanged: the
    state has no right to take anyone's life, IMO. My claim is that
    many German and Japanese political/military leaders were hanged for
    actions no worse than some committed by other governments, including
    the USG.

    As if the USG sent millions to the ovens and POW's on death marches.
    Such moral equivalency and deliberate fabrication of history is

    What difference does it make if you use gas chambers or napalm or
    atom bombs or Cruise Missiles? And there was abuse of POWs on both
    sides, as always in war, as recent history quite clearly reveals.

    Besides, I reject as obscene your insistence that a few million
    murdered is somehow not as bad as 6 million. If the American
    bombing of SE Asia had continued long enough to kill 6 million, would
    you have suddenly turned against it? This seems highly doubtful.
    It's clear that, to you, the numbers killed are not as important as
    WHO is doing the killing.

    As for Chomsky, his support of the Holocaust denier and anti-Semite
    Robert Faurisson is all you need to know about the quality of his
    historical veracity.

    msh before:
    Anyone who actually reads NC knows this is nonsense.

    Chomsky has repeatedly denounced the Holocaust deniers. He merely
    defended Faurisson's right to present whatever argument he wants,
    regardless of its despicability. Freedom of speech is meaningless
    if it applies only to ideas we agree with.

    Nonsense? Hardly. See:

    Werner Cohn believes anyone who denounces Israeli expansionism and
    brutality against the Palestinians is an Anti-Semite, which means
    about half the population of Israel.

    But, rather than make me read the whole thing, why don't you pick out
    what you consider to be Cohn's most convincing argument against
    Chomsky, and we can talk about that. And, if we must, let's do it
    in a different thread.

    And if that doesn't give you pause about Chomsky's historical
    accuracy, check out his support of Mao, Pol Pot and Ho Chi Min and
    his initial denials of their genocides which he later justified as a
    small price to pay to establish communist regimes.

    msh says:
    This is deja vu all over again. Please provide direct quotes from
    Chomsky, with references, in support of your claims above.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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