From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu May 05 2005 - 23:21:38 BST
Hi Matt, Sam, Scott, all,
On 5 May 2005 at 12:14, Matt Kundert wrote:
Mark said:
I am interested in your idea that the polar-cartesian coordinate
analogy somehow contradicts James.
Its the other way around. I said that if people think theism and
science are in conflict, they are in conflict with James, and then
they are in conflict with such beautifully pragmatist passages as the
"different maps for different purposes" passage.
Ok, so you're saying that it's inconsistent for someone to buy the
polar-cartesian analogy and nevertheless claim that theism and
science are in conflict. I'm not so sure.
First we need some clarification. Is what you call the "different
maps for different purposes" passage something from LILA? Or James?
I'm not sure we're talking about the same passage. I'm thinking of
this passage, from ZMM:
"Then, having identified the nature of geometric axioms, he
[Poincare] turned to the question, Is Euclidian geometry true or is
Riemann geometry true?
"He answered, The question has no meaning.
"As well ask whether the metric system is true and the avoirdupois
system is false; whether Cartesian coordinates are true and polar
coordinates are false. One geometry can not be more true than
another; it can only be more convenient. Geometry is not true, it is
advantageous. "
Now, I find this passage very useful, not only for comparing
geometries but for comparing metaphysical systems as well. And let
me say again that I find no real conflict between science and theism,
except when religious advocates claim their beliefs have a
scientific foundation.
However, I don't see how the passage I quoted above clearly refutes
the idea that there may be a conflict between theism and science.
That is, in one case we are comparing geometries or map coordinates,
very similar KINDS of systems. In the other, are we sound in saying
that science and theism are sufficiently similar for the analogy to
hold? It's clear that the geometries, though different, are
internally consistent, Can the same be said for religious systems in
In short, I think some one can find the ZMM passage useful and even
true, and without contradiction claim a conflict between science and
Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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