RE: MD Access to Quality

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon May 16 2005 - 14:27:59 BST

  • Next message: Michael Hamilton: "Re: MD Fwd: Pre-intellectual awareness = Dynamic Quality?"

    MSH wrote:
    > I think Pirsig opened a can of worms when he left his Holy trinity of SOQ
    > and tried to make Quality the primary source. He never defends this
    > statement, he just sets Quality at the top and away we go. Now, I think we
    > can argue that he ASSUMES this to be true in order to get his metaphysics
    > off the ground. But, if Pirsig believes he is speaking literal truth in
    > this regard, then his belief is due to some mystical revelation and would
    > indeed be no different than St. Joan claiming God talks to her, that is, it
    > may or may not be true, but the claim of revelation is not enough to prove
    > it. Not for me, anyway.

    No assumptions or revelations required. Pirsig lays down Quality as his
    first marker based on an axiomatic undeniability:

    "He had demonstrated that even though you can't define Quality you still
    must agree that it exists, since a world from which value is subtracted
    becomes unrecognizable." (Lila, 9)

    But, who cares what Pirsig says? According to Anthony, "using [just] the
    textual evidence of his (Pirsig's) writings strikes me as a very un-MOQ

    So there you have it folks. Twist the MOQ any way you want to fit your
    preconceived Weltanschauung. You have Ant's permission.


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