Re: MD Bolstering Bo's SOL

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Wed Jun 01 2005 - 21:16:50 BST

  • Next message: Richard Loggins: "Re: MD What Good Are the Arts?"

    Dear Platt,

    Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 2:24 PM
    > Great to hear from you.

    Yes, I know I've got friends in cyberspace, but I've got a lot of other
    things on my mind these days, mostly connected to a new and highly
    stimulating job.

    As you expressed interest in the results of the Dutch referendum on the EU
    'constitution': according to preliminary (but probably quite accurate)
    outcomes 63% of the 62% of potential voters that turned up voted 'no' (37%
    voted 'yes', 38% didn't turn up) despite some 90% of the politicians having
    campaigned for 'yes' (only the extreme right and the extreme left campaigned
    for 'no')... All these 3 figures are exceptional by Dutch standards in the
    realm of European elections.
    'No' voters apparently wanted to express a lot of negative feelings against
    politics in general, against not being involved in politics in general and
    the European project in particular. 'Nationalism' is not the right word. A
    'nationalist Dutchman' is something like a contradiction in terms. That
    seems to be the same kind of sentiment that was expressed by the LPF-voters
    (the party of the murdered Pim Fortuyn) in 2002. It is not so much 'backward
    thinking' that politicians in general (not only 'the left'; hardly any
    politician in the Netherlands would want to be called 'nationalist') have to
    come to terms with. It is voters who don't want to (are not able to?) dig
    into real argumentation for different options for the future of their
    society and nevertheless have strong feelings about the politicians who
    sometimes do and sometimes are just busy 'selling' themselves in every way
    that helps their ego's.

    > I think Bo's point is that subject-object thinking dominates the
    > intellectual level and thus defines it.

    Do YOU consider that a proper way of defining something? Is life defined by
    bacteria that dominate bio-mass??

    With friendly greetings,


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