Re: MD Static Latching and the problem with the intellectual level

From: Michael Hamilton (
Date: Thu Jun 16 2005 - 11:20:07 BST

  • Next message: Johannes Volmert: "Re: MD Primary Reality"

    Hi Allen,

    You asked an excellent question: "Why exactly is SOM anti-harmonious?"

    It creates a fundamental barrier between us and the world. With the decline
    of popular religion (not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but...) the
    pervasive SOM has made moral realist theories somewhat far-fetched to the
    man in the street, which has led to our modern culture where something like
    emotivism is now "common sense".

    Thanks to most people giving primacy to the "O" of SOM because science tells
    us that substance is "more real", we have our consumerist culture.
    Spiritually deprived, un-confident people for whom there is no real moral
    objective other than money and the accumulation of material things.
    Moreover, due to the fundamental barrier in SOM, with "me in here" separated
    from "external reality", many people feel no responsibility or connection to
    the world at large. Therefore society as a whole seeks the holy grail of
    "economic growth" and can happily do so at the expense of just about
    anything, including the environment that made it all possible in the first
    place. And this is why I see something very urgent in the MOQ.

    I'm somewhat perplexed regarding your claim that Bo's theory lacks an
    account of harmony. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't SOL accept _every
    word_ of ZMM, including those about having a harmonious, non-dualistic
    attitude to work? And including those about science, art and technology
    having a united purpose? Really, SOL is quite a small adjustment of the MOQ
    that merely disagrees wth Pirsig's definition of intellect. I don't see the
    tremendous evil in SOL that you seem to see, although equally I don't see
    the tremendous necessity Bo sees in implementing the SOL. That's why - again
    - I implore you to drop the witch-hunting attitude.

    Finally, can you please re-read the following and tell me what its purpose
    was? Because I find it pedantic and humorously self-defeating:

    MH: Allen, while I agree whole-heartedly with your emphasis on harmony, I
    get the impression that you are trying to protect me from Bo's "heretical"
      Allen: Hello Mike, I do not emphasise harmony - ZMM and the MOQ do. That
    is a fact. If it is heretical to tell you that Zen is about harmony, and you
    are not allowed to say other wise, then i am a big heretic and i make no
    apologies for it:
    Zen is about harmony and you are not allowed to say other wise.
     Allen continues: I think you mean to say, 'I agree whole-heartedly with ZMM
    and Lilas emphasis on harmony.'
    Good, so do i.

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