Re: MD Bolstering Bo's SOL - Part A

From: Michael Hamilton (
Date: Fri Jun 17 2005 - 16:55:02 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Thinking About Thinking"

    Hi Platt,

    You asked:
    Value-centric reason? An interesting concept. But, I'm not sure what it
    means. Would you care to expand on it, explaining how value-centric reason
    differes from other reason?

    MH clarifies:
    Well, Pirsig's project in ZMM was to "fix" reason so that value (Quality)
    could be seen as real. He did this by putting value at the centre, as that
    which creates the entities dealt with by "other reason" (i.e. pre-Pirsig
    reason/SOM). I merely used "Value-centric reason" to mean the reason of the
    MOQ, or the infant form of the MOQ found in ZMM. It differs from "other
    reason" in that it asserts that values are real, while "other reason"
    reduces everything to substance.


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