From: Paul Turner (
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 10:35:13 BST
Allen - Indeed, truth in intellectual terms is the degree to which
harmonious relationships are elegent and aesthetically valued. I may be
banging on about harmony allot, but so does ZMM!
Paul: Yes, I think an anti-dualist account of truth can make use of a
concept of intellectual harmony. It goes hand in hand with the idea that
there is a general desire to resolve intellectual tension and contradiction.
From this point of view static patterns of intellect are forced by Dynamic
Quality into reweaving new relationships between existing patterns and
adding and subtracting patterns from its repertoire. The elegance you speak
of may accompany a successful bout of this reweaving.
This, of course, does not mean that all patterns are always reconciled.
There may be several "webs," which reminds me of a quote from Pirsig's AHP
"The multiplicity of mind is accommodated by the MOQ. It says you can have
many mental patterns and many people do. The characteristics of the
narrator of ZMM are one pattern that was in my mind. The characteristics of
Phaedrus were an entirely different pattern in my mind and those two
patterns hate each other. The MOQ says that you can split a person out in
lots of ways and that the patterns which we call our minds are the result of
separate paths of karmic history and we don't really reconcile them very
much." [Pirsig, 1993]
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