Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 15:48:53 BST

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court"


    > Platt - sorry if you see it as "personal insults" but everytime I
    > support any (non-partisan-political) discussion of yours, you just
    > ignore me. At least if I "insult" your politics, I get a reaction :-)

    If I've "ignored" you, I apologize. Please believe that I read all your
    posts with great interest whereas with some others I glance and discard.
    When I don't reply, it's usually because I bow to your superior knowledge
    of quantum physics. If I knew more about it, I could probably respond to
    what you say with some semblance of intelligence, although there are those
    who believe I have none no matter what the subject.


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