From: André (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 23:56:06 GMT
Lets blow up the Iragis. Lets protect the Iraqis. Lets
do both. Lets do neither. Reason is a waste of time.
The Taoist perspective.
--- Kevin <> wrote: > Erin says:
> ROTFLMAO. Until hearing the call to action, it
> never occurred to me to
> participate in such activities lol. How is talking
> about metaphysics
> here interfering with these actions? So the "call
> for action" hype is
> about doing these kind of things? Where does
> metaphysics lead
> you off the path of "learning to tap dance" AKA
> the road less travelled.
> I was imagining something bigger or something
> thats not already being done I guess.
> So basically this "call for action" lecture
> boils down to keep on doing what you do?
> P.S. Was that offer to mow your lawn sincere or
> are you a big tease?
> I always felt I could make a difference
> in the world if I could just have access
> Kevin's riding lawn mower either..
> I want to do it the hard way to symbolically
> represent the struggles of modern day
> yard owners.
> Kevin:
> Glad you caught the humor that was intended. And
> yes, I think mowing my
> lawn would do you wonders:D
> My list contains self-improvement projects and
> public-improvement
> projects. For self-improvement, you can simply keep
> doing what you're
> doing if that is making you happy.
> For public-improvement, the point is that agreement
> over metaphysics
> isn't necessary for success. More to the point,
> insisting on a
> metaphysical foundation on which to construct our
> public goals would
> probably be disastrously counter-productive.
> We don't need to agree on a defintion of God or
> Quality or even the
> purpose of life in order to cooperate and find
> agreement for what's the
> best way to run our national economy or how to fund
> public education.
> Oh, and once you're done with the lawn, please do
> stop by the house for
> some ice cold lemonade and recreational metaphysical
> debate:D
> I can't tap dance,
> Kevin
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