From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Jul 04 2005 - 13:00:21 BST
Hi Ian,
> Well then Platt, we are back to base camp.
> You're really asking "What is a good explanation of anything ?"
> I'd have to start with the caveats that "scientific" is loaded with
> objective, logical postivist "disprovability" expectations (which I
> don't hold with exclusively), and causal is well, ... in the eye of
> the beholder, illusory even some would say (I don't quite hold with
> that, but ...) Common sense is probably better than scientific
> causality.
I'm asking for the scientific explanation of "emergent properties" because
if anyone on this forum would know, you would. Given the caveats above,
does science have an explanation for the phenomenon?
> Your pejorative choice of "suddenly appearing" already indicates that
> your "open mind" is loaded negatively / sceptically against it though
> :-)
I don't see that "suddenly appearing" is pejorative at all, but an
accurate description of an emergent property, like the behavior of a
school of fish. But if inaccurate, I'll gladly retract the description.
> Still with me - I will continue if you are (don't let me off the hook
> this time).
Please do.
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