From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu Jul 14 2005 - 21:36:03 BST
On 14 Jul 2005 at 11:22, Erin wrote:
A related issue hasbeen bothering me lately. There have been a few
times where members who are clearly interested in Quality asked to
leave the forum just because their ideas are not identical to Pirsigs
on it. Ironically some of these same people will complain about the
dogmatic, appeal to authority attitudes of religous people while
promoting that very attitude here.
msh 7-14-05:
Well, this is intriguing. Which members have been asked to leave
because they don't agree with Pirsig? Or for any other reason for
that matter?
In which way has an appeal to authority been promoted "here," by
which I guess you mean the recent "Nihilism" thread?
Can you post some attributed quotes in support of your allegations?
Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
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