MD generalised propositional truths

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Mon Jul 18 2005 - 12:30:27 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Society"

    Hi Paul,

    You said to Bo:

    > As I've said before, with no reply, I think generalised propositional
    > truths
    > are the "organising principle" of intellect and skilled abstract symbol
    > manipulation (allowing ever more general constructions) is its mechanism.

    Would you be willing to unpick that sentence (or point me to where you've
    unpicked it elsewhere) so that I can get clear on exactly what you're

    I'm particularly interested in the 'mechanics' of how what you're describing
    works. That is, how do 'generalised propositional truths' organise anything?
    and, if symbol manipulation is a mechanism, who or what is 'doing' the
    manipulation? (That last might be rephrased: what is it that is responding
    to Quality on the part of the symbols? Can the response be described, in an
    analagous way to describing the aggregated responses of DNA molecules as
    'natural selection'?)


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