Re: MD Re: Racist Remarks

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Jul 27 2005 - 20:52:35 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD generalised propositional truths"

    Hi Khaled,

    > And remember, Just like worker termites who can built huge termite hills
    > without a leader, a blueprint or supervision. They metastasize. Unlike a
    > charging animal that can be stopped by a gate, a fence, a door or a gun,
    > these people are like bees, ants and even cancer. Those people are a lower
    > life form, ( in terms of their operation and structure) that needs a
    > different strategy to stop, PREVENT, and sometimes kill. And as in
    > chemotherapy, sometimes a part of you has to die in order to kill it.
    Thanks. With your vivid analogy you've confirmed my point about biological


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