Re: MD Someone said...

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Fri Jul 29 2005 - 17:33:53 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Racist Remarks"

    Hi Platt,

    One of the reasons I, and perhaps others including my favorites, the Founding
    Fathers, "deify" the individual is because Pirsig emphasizes that evolution
    depends on individuals. The story of the brujo is all about one, single
    solitary soul being responsible for an evolutionary step forward in the Zuni

    Except the brujo was not one, single "solitary" soul. If he was, he would have
    been nothing more than a set of high Quality biological patterns.

    Don't continue to misunderstand, individuals emerge through the social layer
    (not separate from it). They are able to respond to intellectual quality
    because of the social layer. Their responses to intellectual quality are shaped
    by the social layer. And, their actions in pursuit of intellectual quality are
    completely supported by a social layer providing artifacts, libraries,
    colleagues, assistants, etc, without which your "individual" could do nothing
    (except enjoy biological Quality).

    But, that individuals, re-mediating their experience back into the social layer,
    from which they emerge, drives the evolution of social and intellectual
    Quality, is not in doubt.

    Of course there's no denying your point about society being necessary to support
    the individual and to react to individual DQ responses. But to claim "me" is a
    delusion? Doesn't it say Arlo Bensinger on your birth certificate? :-)

    I didn't make this claim, I am only restating it. Einstein made the claim. And I
    happen to agree with it. "Arlo Bensinger" is a semiotic marker. If "I" were
    born onto a desert island, "Arlo Bensinger" would not exist.

    But, semiosis demands such demarkation. Without it, we would never have advanced
    beyond the biological layer. "The absorbtion into the Symbollic order (the
    social layer in the MOQ) simultaneously releases the subject to the possibility
    of social intercourse (and hence intellectual Quality) and condemns it to a
    forever divided status." (Cavallero in Critical and Cultural Theory). This is
    echoed by Pirsig in his comments about how much man has gained, but has lost an
    equally important understanding, to know what it is to be part of the world,
    and not separate from it.


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