Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sat Jul 30 2005 - 11:14:57 BST

  • Next message: Matt poot: "Re: MD RE: Population"

    Hi Mark,

    > The line of argument goes:
    > 1. The perception of truth is a function of the honesty of the perceiver.
    > In
    > other words, high Quality intellectual patterns are only static latched by
    > other intellectual patterns structured on a virtuous basis.
    > msh 7-27-05:
    > This is the crucial premise, and its truth is not immediately obvious
    > to me. So, I think you need some evidence and argument to convince
    > me to accept P1. If you can, then I'll agree that truth is a
    > function of character.

    As I said to Scott, I think it's presumed in your notion of FRH, as
    demonstrated in your most recent post to Ian - "your contention that
    fully-realized human beings may be badly informed, that is "filled with
    convenient and contagious myths," only shows me that you don't yet
    understand my concept of a fully-realized human being."

    But I'll say more about this soon. I'm just catching up on some old


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