Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Aug 06 2005 - 03:42:56 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD Where is the Zen?"

    Hi Scott, and all,

    On 3 Aug 2005 at 20:26, Scott Roberts wrote:

    I'm not actually against activism, rather it is a matter that working on
    oneself is more important. It is in fact impossible to literally do nothing
    socially unless one becomes a complete hermit. And what one does can help or
    it can hurt, and helping is better -- all else being equal. The trouble
    typically arises when one helps out of principle, and the history of statist
    communism shows this. The do-gooders got power, but power attracts the
    corruptible. Meanwhile, principle has come to dominate both American
    political parties, to the detriment of the nation.

    msh 08-05-2005:
    I don't see how acting on "principles" automatically translates to
    low-quality action. And your rejection of communist principles just
    because some brutal guys called themselves communists places you
    squarely in Platt's camp, shown a hundred times to be made up of
    leaky tents. I'm a little surprised.

    As for principle dominating both American parties, if you mean the
    principle of subjugation to the bidding of power and wealth, then I
    couldn't agree more. Is that the principle you're talking about?

    msh 08-03-05:
    In fact, when he dismisses the movements of the 60's as spontaneous
    reactions against the social AND intellectual levels, Pirsig is
    simply WRONG, or guilty of immense over-simplification. The fact that
    many people on this list keep repeating his view is a little
    unsettling. There was nothing spontaneous or anti-intellectual about
    any of the movements I mentioned above; nor is there anything anti-
    intellectual about the current movements against so called "free
    trade" globilization efforts, and against the current war in Iraq.

    Pirsig and I were referring to the hippies. You are referring to others of
    that era, such as the New Left. Each camp (broadly speaking) didn't have
    much use for the other. They both had their good and bad points.

    msh 08-05-2005:
    What bad ideas came form the New Left, in your opinion?

    There was a lot of overlap between "hippies" and the New Left, as a
    matter of fact. The fact that Pirsig didn't mention the New Left in
    his one-sided disparagement of the 60's only supports my point that
    he was going to the wrong parties. Rather than setting up the straw-
    man stoners and cop-haters, he could have attended parties with so-
    called "hippies" and people like Rap Brown, Robert Lowell, Tom
    Hayden, Eldredge Cleaver, Norman Mailer, the Berrigan brothers,
    Chomsky, Zinn, Parenti, et al.

    It's Pirsig's simplistic dismissal of the 60's as some kind of social
    degeneration I object to.

    For the sake of argument, let's say you're correct in saying "nor is there
    anything anti-intellectual about the current movements against so called
    "free trade" globilization efforts, and against the current war in Iraq."
    Would you agree in saying there is nothing anti-intellectual in current
    movements for free trade, and for the war? Just curious.

    msh 8-05-2005:
    Fair enough. There is nothing completely anti-intellectual in
    anything humans do. All people have ideas, but, at this point in our
    evolution, it seems clear to me that most people are Bio-Dominant or
    Social-Dominant. So the useful question is, how do the various B-D,
    S-D, and I-D ideas compare on the quality scale?

    But this useful question is one that BD-SD people in positions of
    power are not interested in answering. This is why so much of what
    power does is done in secret or extremely low-profile: Economic and
    imperialist war plans, trade talks, corporate strategy meetings.
    There is no dearth of intelligent, knowledgeable people who could
    intellectually challenge these powerful planners; but such people are
    rarely heard from in the corporate-government (BD-SD) dominated
    media. Why do you suppose that is?

    What about the position that there isn't enough data to decide which
    side to come down on?

    msh 08-05-2005:
    There's plenty of current and historical data to decide. The reason
    you and most others don't have this data is directly related to my
    answer above. And, sometimes, really smart people spend a lot of
    time assiduously counting angels on pinheads.

    But you can get the data. Why not start with the Understanding Power
    thread from December of last year? Better yet, read the book itself,
    and download the free 500 pages of notes, references, and other
    documentation. Or read Profits Over People. Or, if Chomsky's not
    your cup of tea, read Zinn's People's History, or absolutely anything
    written by Michael Parenti. Or check the Information Clearing House
    web site; or, or DemocracyNow,org, or

    The data is there. You're just not gonna find it on CNN.

    Anyway, I'm glad you've expressed an interest here. I've always
    enjoyed our exchanges.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
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