Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sun Aug 07 2005 - 14:28:43 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Racist Remarks"

    Hi Ian,

    > Individual ?
    > I was nervous at using the word - "individual IN the world" was the
    > best natural language phrase I could come up with. (So Tat Tvam Asi,
    > does it for me Scott. DMB "blasphemous" one with "god", but no
    > distinct "god", stuff works for me too.)

    So - just to get clear - are you saying that the word 'individual' has a
    substantive sense in the MoQ? If so, I welcome you to the ranks of the
    heretics :o)

    > Theism / Atheism / Antitheism ?
    > This only becomes a battle "against" theism, when theists bring their
    > god into their explanations and applications of it, the MoQ. Until
    > then it's just not-theistic, just not a "relevant" issue. (See the
    > line in the sand below.)

    If it's not relevant, why include it? This isn't a hill I want to die on,
    though, simply because RMP says that the MoQ is atheistic. I think he's
    drawing on a superficial understanding of the western tradition - in common
    with the majority understanding in our culture - but I'm not going to bang
    my head against the wall about it.

    > The Heretics ?
    > Sam, again I hope I chose my words carefully, to be clear without
    > causing offence. I wouldn't want the heretics to leave, but I would
    > want them to recognise a line drawn in the sand in the debating arena
    > (toe the line says DMB) - debates about details of the MoQ and its
    > progress vs meta-debates about the relationship of MoQ to alternative
    > views.

    Well, where would you put my 'eudaimonic' thesis - which stands
    independently of Christian faith (and xn faith is quite obviously outside
    the purview of the MOQ)? In other words, if a person sees conceptual
    problems in the 'moq as received', and suggests a solution which (to their
    mind) solves the problem - does this mean that they're a heretic or not? Are
    we allowed to 'improve' the MoQ? (gasps of horror in the serried ranks) I
    think that's what we're here for - I think that's how RMP envisions our role
    as well.

    To put that differently, I'm quite happy to shelve Christianity most of the
    time, but the philosophical criticisms of the MoQ I see as legitimate
    subjects for debate. That's why I raised the 'how do intellectual patterns
    respond to Quality' thread - on which, it would seem, I have made my point.
    As with several points on MF (eg the 'machine language interface') where I
    have argued for elements of my eudaimonic proposal in detail, and my
    position seems, by and large, to have been accepted by the

    > So, give MoQ a chance was probably all I was really saying (together
    > with a definition of what I meant by MoQ when I said it.)
    > I'll wait for any more responses, but I'd like to achieve a terse
    > "definition" of the "truths", on the MoQ side of that line in the
    > sand.

    I don't know if - or how recently - you looked at my eudaimonic paper, but
    the first part of it was precisely an attempt to capture the 'truth's of the
    MoQ side of that line in the sand - in order to make my own perspective


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