Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Tue Aug 09 2005 - 03:08:52 BST

  • Next message: jc: "Re: MD dot-communism"

    Hi Wim,

    I suspect my remarks need further work. But as conversation with you is
    always a stimulus to that, I'm going in the right direction. :o)

    > You wrote 7 Aug 15:28 +0100:
    > "I see 'symbol' as a social level phenomenon. There is no such thing as a
    > private language. So I agree with what you say about symbols, I just think
    > it refers to the social level, not the fourth level."
    > So according to you a pattern of value should be private to belong to the
    > 4th level? And you reject Pirsig's definition of the 4th level in 'Lila's
    > child'?

    On the latter, yes, undoubtedly. I think it flies as effectively as the
    proverbial lead balloon. Which I've discussed before (with Paul if memory
    serves). In brief I object to the language of 'symbol' - because I think
    it's a social phenomenon - and also the notion of 'manipulation' because,
    put simply, it seems that the response to DQ, ie what is _doing_ the
    manipulation, is what characterises the fourth level.

    But first a clarification. The point about private language was a reference
    to Wittgenstein's argument. I don't want to get snagged on 'private' being
    one of the hinge terms in explaining the MoQ, because I'm not sure it adds
    anything. But let's see.

    > That suggests to me that you define the levels as follows:
    > 1st level: patterns of value that are shared by all what exists
    > 2nd level: patterns of value that are shared by a whole species (or
    > category
    > of species)
    Patterns shared by all life? eg DNA, possibly RNA. I think there are then
    possibilities of further refinements, eg talking about members of a species
    having certain patterns in common.
    > 3rd level: patterns of value that are shared by a group
    > 4th level: patterns of value that are private and characterize an
    > individual
    > or rather its personality
    Drop the 'private', otherwise OK.

    > Do you agree?
    > Doesn't seem the most useful way of defining the levels to me, but (apart
    > from contradicting Pirsig) not invalid as MoQ either.

    I don't think either of us are too worried about contradicting RMP :o)

    I would also say that there is more that can be said to define the levels,
    the most important bits I went through in my eudaimonic paper, especially
    the 'presiding values'. You've taken one remark and built the whole
    metaphysics from it. And I want to say - agreeing with you - that there is a
    lot more going on.

    > If that really is how you define the 4th level, then 'natural selection'
    > at
    > that level might be seen as a matter of 'natural selection' of
    > 'personalities' or 'personality traits'. The strongest personality or
    > personality trait survives and ... is copied by others.

    I think that's a non sequitur. Once the fourth level has got started then
    the individual pattern will aggregate further patterns (general
    propositional truths - GPTs - and also, I would say, the various virtues) in
    accordance with the light that guides them to DQ. I would have thought that
    fitted right in to a Quaker understanding?

    > But isn't that a
    > social mechanism again?

    No, don't see why.

    > Or alternatively as a matter of 'natural selection'
    > of ideas or memes.

    That's more like it.

    > But again survival requires copying to (convincing of)
    > others and a social mechanism.

    Not sure that's true. Some things can't be taught, they have to be
    discovered for oneself. That is what I am talking about. The patterns which
    are copied are the fingers pointing to the moon. Once you have 'grasped the
    moon' you're off on a unique journey that can't be reproduced (or even
    spoken about, by and large - language is the social pattern).

    > In short, I'm running into problems with your statement that a 'symbol'
    > can't be the smallest unit of 'patternedness' at the 4th level because it
    > can't be private. Personality traits or ideas/memes are not private either
    > once they survive the individual (or the group...) where they originated.
    > When you are just referring to certain ways of behaving becoming 'latched'
    > in an individual, becoming part of its character or personality, I fail to
    > see much relevance of such a 4th level for the type of (political)
    > discussion in which it is applied on this list and in 'Lila'.

    Hopefully dropping the 'private' emphasis will make things clearer. In other
    words, I think the fourth level is 'private' - but not everything private is
    fourth level.

    > Truth (or truthfulness?) being latched as a valuable idea (respectively a
    > va
    > luable personality trait?) "because it satisfies the individual's spectrum
    > of values" (your 26 July quote from Platt which you judged "pretty much
    > spot
    > on") doesn't satisfy me. Isn't 'truth' (respectively 'truthful') simply
    > one
    > of those values in that individual's spectrum of values? Truth being
    > latched
    > because it satisfies 'truth', doesn't explain much, does it? And -again-
    > isn't this way of talking about 'values' referring only to SOMical values,
    > the type that is attributed to an object by a subject?

    It's the link between truth and honesty (or lack of self-deception). Only
    the holy can see truly. Or; one must cleanse the doors of perception.

    > Aren't the 'patterns of value' that constitute reality according to a MoQ
    > quite different from the 'value' we attribute to ideas, personality traits
    > or whatever?

    According to the MoQ, everything is a pattern of value. They are different
    in four ways.... I just have a different understanding of the fourth way.

    Thanks for your remarks

    Those who were thrown to the lions were not reading "Thomas" or Q or the
    "Gospel of Mary." They were reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the
    (Tom Wright)

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