Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths (theism)

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Fri Aug 12 2005 - 03:34:33 BST

  • Next message: Horse: "RE: MD Conflict"


    I like your line, could go somewhere with this. I have no problem with
    the word god, it has many metaphorical uses - it's the intelligent
    causal purposeful entity stuff that gets me. The definition of the
    class basis for membership.

    Still not quite ready to dive in here yet. I'm still on denying there
    is anything in MoQ that has need of a god even remotely like this


    On 8/11/05, Sam Norton <> wrote:
    > Hi Ian, Scott,
    > Scott - that was quick! I would add a couple of things to what Scott said:
    > 1. A useful rule of thumb about God-language is to ask 'does this make God
    > into a member of a class'? (eg the class of beings; the class of purposeful
    > entities, the class of intelligences etc). If the answer is yes, then the
    > language fails and is no longer talking about God. (Standard Christian
    > doctrine)
    > 2. In the struggle with bad God language, the rejection of _all_ God
    > language will never succeed, purely in terms of social realities. The word
    > God is used in too many meaningul ways to be abandoned (in our culture, in
    > the foreseeable future). So if the struggle is, eg, over stem cell research,
    > the way forward is to point out how some of the crazies are violating the
    > rule above, not to start saying "you're all raving lunatics and illogical".
    > That plays into their hands. (This is an exact parallel with the <Islamists
    > and Qutbists, of course, but we can look at that elsewhere.)
    > Sam
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