MD Worlds Worst Kept Secret

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sat Aug 13 2005 - 05:24:52 BST

  • Next message: David Harding: "Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths"

    I take it everybody is aware that "Platt Holden" is an anagrammatic pseudonym,

    "The Old Plant"

    ... pen name of none other than wily old rhetorician "Robert M Pirsig".

    Yes folks, his role on this forum is as the "plant" to post the most
    reactionary response to every other post, just to keep us on our toes.

    He's very good at it.
    Just occasionally the old bu**er can't resist lapsing into making a good point.
    Go easy on me Bob ;-)

    (PS - I've had variants on this post in my draft folder for over a year ...)

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