Re: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths

From: david buchanan (
Date: Sat Aug 13 2005 - 22:47:35 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: DQ as spirituality? / Q as God? (was: MD Worlds Worst Kept Secret)"

    Sam, Paul and all MOQers:

    Paul asked Sam:
    What would happen if you announced to your congregation that you were an

    Sam replied:
    Already have. When I explained what I meant, and how it is perfectly
    orthodox, I thought they were quite excited by it. Liberated even.

    Paul asked Sam:
    What would they say if you told them that He didn't create man in His own
    image and doesn't, couldn't possibly, listen to their prayers?

    Sam replied:
    Well, then I wouldn't be teaching orthodox Christianity. I'd resign before I
    taught that.

    dmb says:
    Let me get this straight. As a priest, you can deny the existence of God
    before your congregation but would resign before denying that this
    non-existent God created man and listens to his prayers? That's nonsense,
    isn't it? This is a pretty good example of what I mean when criticizing your
    position as incoherent, that it makes no sense.

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