Re: MD Conflict

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Aug 15 2005 - 23:39:14 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD The MOQ in Hollywood"


    > Why should someone with four out of four role models from a very
    > specific line in the asethetic arts, be so hooked on good old
    > objective logical positivist style (dare I say SOMist) reason when it
    > comes to morals and values.

    I like to take the best from both worlds. You do, too.
    > My angle is to say it's that very style of reasoning that needs
    > tempering with a liberal sprinking of aesthetic quality. Which I have
    > to say is exactly what I thought Pirsig was doing with his MoQ, bring
    > the quality of the experience to the centre.

    Yes, Pirsig did a masterful job in Lila, combining the aesthetic with the
    > Odd no ?
    > (Perhaps odder is that you cite Pirsig as changing your life when it
    > came to morals, yet he isn't even listed amongst your role models -
    > but that's maybe a different matter.)

    I presumed that by my presence here that Pirsig being one of my role
    models would be understood.


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