Re: MD how conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Fri Aug 19 2005 - 08:42:17 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD What it means to believe in the orthodox Christian God)"

    Hi David,

    > DM: that's silly abuse. OK wise guys give us your wisdom.......
    > How do conservative values support DQ & the evolution of SQ?????

    I think Ant gave a perfect example (from Pirsig):
    "It does tend to reveal Dynamic Quality by blocking static intellectual
    patterns but you need those patterns to keep from harm. People on peyote go
    walking in front of oncoming cars and get killed because they think they are
    one with God and no harm can come to them. The static patterns that were
    blocked would have prevented that. In the American Indian ritual a guard
    who does not take peyote is posted outside the teepee to prevent anyone from
    wandering off by himself. They know what can happen."

    If you don't have the static patterns, you have degeneration and death. So
    you need SQ for the DQ, just as you need DQ for the SQ to evolve.

    So far as I understand it, 'conservatism' is pointing out the value of the


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