Re: MD ZMM--See what he saw?

From: MarshaV (
Date: Sun Aug 21 2005 - 10:30:17 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "RE: MD Rhetoric"

    Greetings C. L.

    > >>Stripping women of their power and ability to equally participate in
    >life seems a high crime. And dangerous too."
    >Agreed. How can we change this?

    Here's where I find myself a detached nihilist. It may make me sad, but
    things are as they are. Worlds come and worlds go. Things change. It's
    not for me to change the world, or judge it. Not really. I sometimes get
    on my high horse to criticize, but what do I really know. Maybe I can only
    try to change myself.

    For the last five years I've chosen to live in solitude. Now when I do
    meet people, I look at them. I see them.

    > >>For myself, I most appreciate the MOQ's Zen/Dynamic Quality underpinning
    >and its concept of Value being "reality". But why this "reality" and
    >not that "reality".
    >AMEN. Please say more. ZDQ might be what MOQ really is. This forum,
    >for the most part is SOM. That is not to say folks don't "try" but
    >much is lost in the WALL OF WORDS or the Black Hole. I myself have
    >great belief in the ONE, call it whatever you like, which sometimes
    >for me is the space between or the implicate/explicate order (David

    I think I say too much. It seems the moment I say something, its opposite
    appears and my thoughts collapses. It's embarrassing. I laugh at myself,
    but its a little frightening too. And I use the word "I" far too much.

    I've been looking, and not looking, for the wisdom in Zen all my life. Its
    so simple and pure. To find Zen in the MOQ with its modern <approach> to
    Everything was ... everything. Everything I've always known, and not
    known, forever fresh and new.

    I know this is not a self-help program, but I would like to hear more on
    this Forum about people's personal experiences. And instead of analytical
    criticism, I would like to hear some of where they actually hit a blank

    On this Forum I often feel like a fish out of water. But I'm determined to
    stay and endure my discomfort. Thanks for your encouragement.

    Well, this is what I think today. Tomorrow I may think the opposite.


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