Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: David M (
Date: Mon Aug 22 2005 - 18:55:51 BST

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    Hi Scott

    I see intellect of a certain 'flavour' when the cosmos
    is moving towards higher forms of consciousness, i.e.
    'adding together' all that has been differentiated. But
    what about the ealier phases of differentiation, do
    we ascribe to this a movement towards higher level
    awareness? Is there not a process of retreat into the
    focus of awareness that we call the individual? And this
    'retreat' from participation to subjectivity a different sort
    of process than what we may call intellect's reaching
    back out again at the 4th level? Do you follow this

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Sam Norton" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:30 AM
    Subject: Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

    > Hi Scott,
    >> Scott:
    >> Yes, but I think one also needs detachment from the passionate attachment
    >> to
    >> one thing, by whatever name, but without denying the passion. Perhaps at
    >> this point contradictory identity steps in, that with it one recognizes
    >> oneself as an Original Sinner. That is, by formulating the problem in
    >> contradictory identity terms, one is able to keep juggling one's passion
    >> for
    >> truth, on the one hand, with one's acknowledgment that one doesn't have
    >> the
    >> truth on the other.
    > Absolutely, which is why discerning the truth depends upon a prior
    > possession of humility.
    >> Scott:
    >> Yes again. In the end (one supposes), supremely refined emotion and
    >> supremely refined intellect merge into one process.
    > I like that.
    >> Sam said:
    >> I think I agree with all of that. Intellect is that which transcends the
    >> social level. Do you recognise anything "higher" than intellect (openness
    >> to
    >> DQ)?
    >> Scott:
    >> No, since I regard intellect AS Quality, with its dynamic and static
    >> contradictory identity. Intellect is also always transcending itself,
    >> which
    >> is why it is not just another static level.
    > So there are three static levels, and they can be classified by intellect,
    > but intellect cannot classify itself, and persists in DQ/SQ contradictory
    > identity. Sounds good.
    > I've just ordered magliola. I want to dig more into your understanding of
    > intellect.
    > Thanks
    > Sam
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