Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sat Aug 20 2005 - 10:30:27 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD ZMM--See what he saw?"

    Hi Scott,

    > Scott:
    > Yes, but I think one also needs detachment from the passionate attachment
    > to
    > one thing, by whatever name, but without denying the passion. Perhaps at
    > this point contradictory identity steps in, that with it one recognizes
    > oneself as an Original Sinner. That is, by formulating the problem in
    > contradictory identity terms, one is able to keep juggling one's passion
    > for
    > truth, on the one hand, with one's acknowledgment that one doesn't have
    > the
    > truth on the other.

    Absolutely, which is why discerning the truth depends upon a prior
    possession of humility.

    > Scott:
    > Yes again. In the end (one supposes), supremely refined emotion and
    > supremely refined intellect merge into one process.

    I like that.

    > Sam said:
    > I think I agree with all of that. Intellect is that which transcends the
    > social level. Do you recognise anything "higher" than intellect (openness
    > to
    > DQ)?
    > Scott:
    > No, since I regard intellect AS Quality, with its dynamic and static
    > contradictory identity. Intellect is also always transcending itself,
    > which
    > is why it is not just another static level.

    So there are three static levels, and they can be classified by intellect,
    but intellect cannot classify itself, and persists in DQ/SQ contradictory
    identity. Sounds good.

    I've just ordered magliola. I want to dig more into your understanding of


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