Re: MD MoQ? Draw me a picture.

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sun Aug 28 2005 - 09:49:27 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Christianity v. Islam (v. Whatever)"

    Hi Case, (And Mark Maxwell)

    I too believe formal Chaos (as opposed to Good Ol Fashioned Chaos) and
    Complexity have something to say about reality, and as such fit with
    (I'm fascinated by Mandelbrot and other chaotic generators &
    attractors and have several applets on my own desktop to play with -
    the fascination only ever ends with the limits on graphic processing
    resolution on the domestic PC.)

    Mark Maxwell should recognise your three conditions
    1 is Static order
    2 is GOF Chaos - the disorder of infinite entropy
    3 is the coherent sweet spot where DQ exists.

    Slartibartfastian - I like it.

    On 8/27/05, Case <> wrote:
    > Many of you will recognize the picture at this link as the Mandelbrot Set.
    > This is a java applet that will let you play with the set. In my mind this
    > is a stunning graphic representation of the MoQ. Text formating prevents me
    > from giving the equation that produced the picture but it is very short and
    > simple even though it involves a complex number. (Little math joke there.
    > "i" figured you all would "get it"). The picture is obtain by taking the
    > value of each point on the plane and pluging it into the equation. The
    > solution obtained is plugged back in and the process repeated. There are
    > three possible outcomes of this reiterative process:
    > 1. the answer resolves to 0
    > 2. the answer escapes to infinity
    > 3. the answer occilatates and the interative process continues indefinately.
    > In the picture the black interior is all the stuff that hits 0 which really
    > seems to me about as static as you can get.
    > The colored bands suggest how many iteration were needed before the escapees
    > head off toward infinity. Looks like DQ from here.
    > The Slartybartfarstian fiddly bits surely look like Quality/The Way to me.
    > Case
    > I am new here and this is my second post. I never received an e-mail copy of
    > my first one. Am I supposed to? Did anyone else get it?
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