From: mark maxwell (
Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 14:56:24 BST

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    Mark M, Ian

    MM said:
    Scott makes, IMHO, the helpful suggestion that we
    simply call the Dynamically evolving static repertiore
    the Intellect.
    I like this.

    What I said was "Why not call the evolving of the
    symbolic repertoire intellect", and there are a couple
    of important differences here.

    First, it adds the word "symbolic" for those (unlike
    myself) who consider that there exist non-symbolic
    patterns -- and that allows us to ignore this issue
    for the time being.

    Mark 5-9-05:
    Hello Scott, I'm not following you here i'm afraid.
    Static Intellectual patterns could mean symbols and
    non-symbols couldn't they? I agree with you: static
    intellectual patterns are symbolic. I am not familiar
    with the arguments of those who disagree.

    The second difference is that in my phrase, what is
    called 'intellect' is 'the evolving' where in your
    version it is the 'static reportoire that evolves'. In
    other words, my phrasing is such as to emphasize my
    view that intellect is (a subset of) DQ/SQ.

    Mark 5-9-05:
    This needs to be explored, but i am afraid i am still
    having trouble following you.
    What is the intellect in your view, if not the sum
    total static repertiore evloving in response to, and
    toward DQ?

    This is a change to the MOQ, but as I see it, only
    requires removal of the characterization of DQ as

    Mark 5-9-05:
    I do not think that will work.
    I'm not clear how, "intellect is (a subset of) DQ/sq"
    and how this relates to evolution? What is supposed to
    be evolving in response and toward what?
    The MOQ states that sq patterns are migrating toward
    DQ. So with the DEsRIP we simply say, "The static
    Intellectual Repertiore of patterns is evolving toward


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