Re: Is MD a Black Hole?

From: MarshaV (
Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 17:53:03 BST

  • Next message: Case: "Re: MD How do conservative values support DQ and the evolution of SQ?"

    Hi Platt,

    I prefer to paint people experiencing freedom. I have two paintings
    presently in-process. One is of a little girl, about six years-old,
    running down the street. The larger amount of space is behind her which
    suggests she's running away from something. To help facilitate the
    suggestion there is a black wrought-iron railing in the background. She
    has a delighted expression, like her escape is giving her the time of her

    The other painting is of a barefooted woman in a gown standing on a swing
    hung from a tree. She will also have a delighted expression. I don't want
    to paint angst. I'm tired of angst. What moves me is freedom and joy.

    I do not know what 'art for art's sake' means. I paint because I must, or
    I will die. It sounds silly, but I know it to be metaphorically true.


    At 11:30 AM 9/5/2005 -0400, Platt wrote:
    >I paint landscapes like those of the impressionists because they appeal to
    >my individual aesthetic sensibility although the portraits of artists like
    >Sargent, Rembrandt, Valesquez and Vermeer profoundly affect me. I've never
    >been moved by any abstract art with two exceptions -- the sculpture
    >entitled "Bird in Space" by Brancusi and the mobiles by Calder. (IMO
    >Picasso laughed all the way to the bank.) As for "art for art's sake,"
    >IMO art has one purpose and one purpose only, expressed best by Walter
    >"For art comes to you proposing frankly
    >To give you nothing but the highest quality
    >To your moments as they pass,
    >And simply for those moments sake."
    >Which explains why people all over the world flock to museums.
    >How would you answer your questions?

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