Re: MD A Christian interpretation of the MOQ

From: david buchanan (
Date: Sun Sep 11 2005 - 04:20:13 BST

  • Next message: Case: "Re: MD Consciousness/MOQ, definition of"

    Dear MOQers:

    You may recall that Anthony asked Kevin if his RCIA education put an
    emphasis on mysticism.

    Kevin replied:
    Yes, absolutely. RCIA involves prayer, sacraments (e.g., Eucharist,
    Pennance, Confirmation and, for those not baptized, Baptism), the Rosary and
    theological reflection.

    dmb says:
    I don't understand how any of these things are related to mysticism. Perhaps
    the word is used to describe such ritulas within the church, but I'm pretty
    sure Anthony is asking you a philosophical question here. Further, I think
    its safe to assume that he asking about mysticism as its described in
    Pirsig's books and as it works within the MOQ. Was anything like mysticism
    IN THAT SENSE OF THE WORD emphsized or even taught in your RICA education?

    As I understand it, mysticism has very little to do with the ritual
    activities you've listed. In what sense is Baptism and prayer mystical? What
    is your definition of mystical in these assertions?

    Please explain.


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