Re: MD The MOQ implies that there is more to reality than DQ & SQ.

From: Rebecca Temmer (
Date: Thu Sep 22 2005 - 00:03:06 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Individuals and Collectives"

    Ham said:
    >Nothingness "defines" our experience of things by separating them from each
    >other, thus structuring a differentiated world. It also separates
    >subjective awareness from the objects of experience, the primary division
    >reality (otherwise known as the mind/matter duality). If your "absence" is
    >something else, it isn't obvious to me.

    "Subjective awareness and the objects of experience" (mind/matter duality)
    are not the primary division of Reality in the MOQ. This is the essential
    point. It's the Existence/non-Existence divide that is primary. The entirety
    of Reality is comprised of those things which exist (static patterns) and
    everything else which does not exist (Nothingness). DQ is the edge of
    experience, the NOW, in which everything that that does not exist is
    possible, probability asside.

    From static quality, Pirsig postulates that there are four levels of static
    patterns that build on one another but are distinct and separate (just like
    the computer software/hardware analogy). These levels are merely a very
    convenient distinction, however; a way of logically ordering the things that
    exist in the universe. For convenience sake everything that does not exist
    can be lumped into the category 'Nothingness' and basically ignored. "The
    boundaries that define particular objects and events in space/time" are
    merely convenient distinctions concocted by humans to make sense of the


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