From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Sep 26 2005 - 19:35:28 BST
> [Platt previoulsy]
> If the House of Saud threatened the U.S. with WMD, should we wait to be
> attacked?. If attacked, would you fight back? Do you think the individual
> rights we have in the U.S. are worth dying for?
> [Arlo]
> So "brutal dictatorships" are morally okay so long as they don't threaten
> us with weapons?
So once again you duck the questions.
> I take it maintain cozy business relations with a dictator is okay when
> that dictator can provide oil. When the dictator has nothing to offer us,
> then we puff up our moral feathers of outrage and deny diplomatic
> relations?
> Why *do* you favor continued relations with Saud but not Castro? Do you
> feel Cuba is more of a "threat" to our society? Do you feel Castro's human
> rights violations exceed those of Saud? Or is it because Saud has oil? Yep,
> that's gotta be it. So much for that moral compass, eh?
I don't favor continued relations with Saud. I wouldn't give them a nickle
in foreign aid. But, I favor buying oil from them if it serves our
interests, just as I would favor buying sugar from Cuba if necessary.
And what of your moral compass?
Do you favor a Communist dictatorship in Cuba?
Do you believe it was wrong to remove Saddam?
Do you want to see the poor suffer this winter from lack of heating oil?
Do you think the individual rights we have in the U.S. are worth dying
What part of Christian morality are you against?
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