Re: MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

Date: Wed Sep 28 2005 - 08:51:01 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD The MOQ implies that there is more to reality than DQ & SQ."

    Hi Scott, you old obfuscator ;-)

    26 Sep. you wrote:

    > Bo said:
    > I must again apologize, maybe I lumped you in with Ham and
    > Scott and the rest of the non-understanders.
    > Scott:
    > Are you too assuming that the only way someone could disagree with you
    > is because they don't understand?

    Well they don't understand me at least ;-)

    > What's ironic is that I have from the first time I heard of SOLAQI
    > agreed with it that the value of the intellectual level in its origin
    > lay with the S/O divide. Where we disagree is whether that is the
    > whole of intellect.

    The value of the intellectual level the S/O, but maybe not the
    whole of intellect??????? I don't get that. It's like saying that
    biological value is life, but maybe there's more to biology than
    life. There is ONE value to one level, that's whole idea with
    levels. Countless sub-patterns naturally, but they are just variants
    of the root value.

    > Which means that I prefer using 'intellect' in one
    > way and you in another. For example, I include mathematics in
    > intellect, and in mathematics there is no S/O divide (since the
    > thinking is the mathematics -- there is no object separate from the
    > thinking that the thinking is about). I don't think it is a matter of
    > misunderstanding.

    Again the intellectual level as "thinking". Is there anything less
    static and more dynamic than that? Even Pirsig has rejected
    thinking as definition for the STATIC intellectual level. (write
    "static" hundred times on your blackboard!) And then this
    pompous term "mathematics" as if we are to prostrate ourselves
    in front of it. It's just another form of calculation? And does not
    2+2 require thinking? You too seem to have fallen into the
    intelligence pit, or maybe never been out of it.

    Most friendly but I can't resist a bit sarcasm.


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