Re: MD Terrorism

From: Case (
Date: Thu Oct 06 2005 - 14:11:55 BST

  • Next message: Case: "Re: MD Untitled Matt asking Case questions"

    We have been sold, in the most cynical of ways, on the idea that the "good
    life" comes from "cool stuff" Which was precisely my point about a society
    were all value can be reduced to cash.

    > IMHO, the only benefit we've had over the last 200 years is modern
    > dentistry and medicine. As for the quality of life as a whole, and I mean
    > the social aspect of us humans getting together to break bread, share a
    > drink and sing a song, things have gone backward.
    > That's why to this day, the most precious moments spent in an office, are
    > around the water cooler.
    > take care
    > Khaled

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