Re: MD Top 50 books

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Fri Oct 07 2005 - 18:03:35 BST

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    The Old Man and the Sea -- Ernest Hemmingway
    Think and Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill
    Man's Search for Meaning -- Viktor Frankl
    The Art of Happiness -- Dalai Lama, Howard C. Cutler
    Siddhartha -- Hermann Hesse

    >From: khaled Alkotob <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Top 50 books
    >Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 21:46:11 -0700
    >This discussion group pretty much centers around one author and a few
    >books. But just as no man is an island, no book is that lighthouse
    >A few years ago the Biography channel put on a special about the most
    >influential people of the last few century. Well Gothenburg got the
    >With so much importance put on books, or should I say the retelling of
    >the human experience, I thought I would ask your opinions about some
    >books you have read that influenced you. Obviously ZMM is one of them
    >So suppose some aliens landed here, and they ask you a recommended
    >reading list, 50 books, so they can understand the human experience.
    >For argument sake we will keep it to the western/English experience. But
    >if you feel the Hugo's Les miserables should be included, let it be.
    >I'll start off with the list, add your own, and we will do a tally in the
    >My submission is
    >The grapes of wrath, Steinbeck. The human tragedy
    >1984, Orwell
    >4 arguments for the elimination of television, Mander. Both of those for
    >how reality is being redefined
    >ZMM, Pirsing. The inner journey
    >In the absence of the sacred: the failure of technology and the survival
    >of the Indian nations. Mander. Life without balance.
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