Re: MD Partisan Politics, Labels and Distraction (was terrorism)

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Sat Oct 15 2005 - 04:40:22 BST

  • Next message: gav: "MD bullshit"

    Hi Erin,

    I'm not quite sure what you're saying overall. But, when you say,

    "Also as part of my duty to others I will send my copy of this book free of
    charge to any interested Marxist;-)"

    I am guessing I am now a Marxist :-0 (A Harley-owning Marxist, is that

    Your generosity is well received. However, use your hard-earned capital in other
    Quality-minded ways ;-), I am able to check the book out of the library here.
    I'll try to get to it once I've finished the two books I am currently working

    "P.S. the author is also a CANADIAN :-)"

    Even better. Actually, I've read Copeland's Generation X. A good book.


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