From: gav (
Date: Sat Oct 15 2005 - 07:16:47 BST
i have recently been very impressed by the quality
contributions on this list, many of them from people
who are new to me. this is very heartening.
excuse me for being tactless but i find it
intellectually offensive that we are even discussing
party politics when it is obvious that the whole thing
is a sham, designed to placate and exploit the masses.
if platt wants to stick his head up his arse i say
just let him.
not meaning to be alarmist, well.....i am actually:
don't get sidetracked! disengaging from our socially
conditioned reality (making the unconscious conscious)
and re-engaging with the planet, gaia, the
intelligence resident within and the source of the
natural world...this is key.
my girlfriend bel disagreed with john hume (irish
polly who was awarded an honorary doctorate at ant's
grad ceremony in liverpool) and to a lesser extent
robert pirsig after ant's graduation ceremony. she
said that more fundamental than conflicts or
alienation between peoples is our general alienation
from the natural world. john didn't agree but i think
robert gave the idea more considered attention. i
agree totally.
the idea ain't new: ever read voltaire's candide?
(ends with an exhortation to simply tend one's garden
and not worry about politics, fame, fortune or fancy
ladies, amongst other things).
the planet is a single integrated organism. we are
part of it. we usually 'think' (and therefore act)
like we are not. we are ignoring an intelligence
greater than our own and this is at our peril.
how do we get in touch with this intelligence? by
spending time in nature, by growing our own food, by
caring for animals and most efficient of all:
psychadelics. psilocybin containing mushrooms probably
catalysed the evolution of human consciousness (just
finsihed 'food of the gods' by terence mckenna:
excellent). mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of
fungal hyphae that form an underground network that
connects and supports all plant life, directly, and,
indirectly, much animal life. these mushrooms
reconnect us to each other and the planet. this is why
they are there. this is why cows are sacred in india!
these mushrooms grow in cowshit!
intellectual speculation is not enough. it helps but,
as with the moq, the pinnacle, the source, DQ, is
beyond conceptualisation. we can't comprehend the
mystical, the mystery at the centre of existence. we
have to experience it! if we don't then we are stuck
with the low grade stuff. the 'good' stuff is what we
need: the real stuff: the ego-dissolving,
consciousness expanding experience that stabilised
co-operative, peaceful, sophisticated societies all
over the planet for thousands of years. pirsig
experienced this; experienced this 'homecoming' with
the peyote ceremony in lila.
so we have yet another great example of why politics
and anything to do with white men in suits is a waste
of time: a distraction at best. psychadelics showed
immense promise as therapeutic agents in the 50s and
60s, but now... nada
mushrooms, LSD,ecstasy, any other ego-dissolving
consciousness expanding substance (natural or not) is
illegal because it *is* consciousness expanding and
ego-dissolving. that is why! our 'dominator' (mckenna)
culture relies on (usually male) egos being big and
solid and stupid. thats why alcohol is A-okay!! cant
get more stupid than that. that's why cocaine is
tolerated, for the rich anyway: big ego city! and
cigarettes? well that's just slavery in another guise
so that's business as usual ('captive market' may be
the technical term).
it is time for us to take reponsibility for our own
existence. no more relying on corporations and
governments whom i suspect dont have our best
interests at heart. hey call me paranoid.
just had to get that out.
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